Thursday 3 October 2013

So much to write about, so little time

I apologise for missing out so much on here.
Im determined to catch up. Really.

It's just that we bought carton of lovely Bordeaux, and well, by the time blog time rolls around each night, our days have been so full and... well... you know.

Soon. Ok. Really.

Tour of The Somme

We spent today visiting the Australian Memorial at Villers Bretonneux, a number of Somme museums, including the Victoria School and more cemetries than we should have.

Now we're about to eat a lovely evening meal in the L'auberge Fleurie motel where the owner has a wall dedicated to Australia.

When they said they wont forget the courage and sacrifice of so many young Australian men who fought, and died for them, they meant it.

And now, almost 100 years on, they still mean it.